
Showing posts from June, 2019

5 Easy & Simple Hacks Help To Clean and Restore Antique Window Hardware

It is true saying that antique window hardware is the young face of your house; it is way beyond to make your residence stand out of the box. Well, old style window hardware is not aged you need to clean and restore them periodically and wisely to look better and feel better. So, today in this blog exactly I will discuss how to restore your old window hardware with these outline simple five hacks. I am sure it will not take your hours because it is 1-2 minutes process to bring old window hardware parts back to life. The fact to know that most of the hardware has been shielded by years of days of paints and off course some of them has gone missing that prevent to deal with restoration or say the transformation of old to new hardware. If your problem falls in any of these two categories, then surely you can move forward with mentioned hacks firmly. Ø Dead and strong stain or containment of rust on your beautiful hardware. Ø Look annoying without or missing window hardware. ...